Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Amputee's Inspirational Journey to Run Again

By Kyla Igoe
Bio | Email

February 4, 2011

Updated Feb 4, 2011 at 6:21 PM EST


Kenmore, NY (WKBW) - West Seneca native Kevin Degnan has always had a passion for running. In college he was a competitive athlete for Canisius College's track team and ran about 60-80 miles a week. In 1986 though, Degnan was hit by a car while jogging and the accident left his left leg severely injured. After many surgeries, years of rehabilitation, and infections Degnan and his doctor decided to amputate his leg. He underwent surgery in September of 2010.

"Right from the start, I looked at things moving forward, take like as it is, and make it better," said Degnan.

Following his surgery, Degnan was determined to run again and in November, just months after his surgery he did just that. Now, Degnan can run for miles and thanks his recovery to AthletiCare at Kenmore Mercy Hospital and Tonawanda Limb & Brace who fitted him for his prosthesic. He also thanks his family, friends, children for their support and now wants to help others recover.

"If I can help someone else by doing what I love to do, that's a great thing," added Degnan. "Why should we say the sky is the limit when there is no limit? That's how I feel, there are no limits."

Degnan's goal now is to participate in the Shoes for the Shelter 5K Run in April.

1 comment:

  1. His story is so inspiring for so many people that have been hit with life changing tragedies.
